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Proof of Vaccination

The following health and safety protocols will be in place until further notice:

  • Adults and youth ages 12 and up who wish to attend indoor services or events must provide proof of full vaccination. Children below the age of 12 may attend services and events without any proof of vaccination.
  • Proof of full vaccination only needs to be done once - the office will maintain a list of everyone who has confirmed they are fully vaccinated;
    • use our online form to securely upload a jpeg copy of your provincial or federal vaccine passport image,
    • or, email a jpeg copy of your provincial or federal vaccine passport image to ,
    • or, visit the office to have your passport image scanned and your status confirmed.
    • Anyone who has contracted COVID-19, and is not yet fully vaccinated, may provide the office with a letter of confirmation from their doctor or a copy of their positive COVID-19 test. The period allowable to use this proof of immunity is up to six (6) months from the date of infection. At the end of this six (6) month period official proof of full vaccination will be required in order to attend services and activities.
  • By order of the Provincial Health Officer - as of December 3, 2021 - fitted face masks are required in all public indoor settings for all people born in 2016 or earlier (5+). This mandate includes places of worship. Masks may be temporarily removed for ceremonial eating and drinking, and by officiants, readers, or for singing a solo where physical distancing is observed.


Upload a JPG file of your provincial or federal vaccine passport image
Sun, February 23 2025 25 Shevat 5785