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New Member Application Form
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PLEASE NOTE; Membership applications for Beth Hamidrash are subject to review by our Rabbi and Religious Committee. It is strongly encouraged that you provide the office with some documentation confirming your orthodox Jewish status (marriage ketubah, letter from a supporting Rabbi, etc.) Records may be delivered to the office directly, or you may email a scanned copy to
If you are unable to provide this kind of documentation, an interview with the Rabbi and Religious Committee will be required.
I hereby apply for membership of Congregation Beth Hamidrash for myself / my family. I / We agree to accept and be bound by the By-Laws of the congregation. I / We understand that this congregation is carrying on the traditions and customs of Orthodox Sephardic Jews. I also understand that membership is subject to approval by the Rabbi and the Board of Directors.
Our membership year runs from June to May. Dues for the June 2024 - May 2025 membership year are: Family ($2,225.00) and Single ($1,300.00). Applications for membership after June of any year will be prorated to the number of months remaining in the membership year.
Membership dues are tax deductible and are due when assessed. Renewal statements will be emailed to your family at the beginning of June in subsequent years. Fees may be paid in full at the time assessed or you can call the office to arrange a monthly payment plan. Fees may be paid in cash, by cheque, by Visa, or by MasterCard. Family memberships include 2 (two) reserved seats for the High Holidays and a discounted rate on the purchase of further seats for other family members or visitors. Single memberships include 1 (one) reserved seat for the High Holidays and a discounted rate on the purchase of further seats for other family members or visitors.
Our Sephardic philosophy is that no one is denied membership due to financial hardship. Please contact the Rabbi or the President to discuss privately and confidentially any personal circumstances regarding payment for your membership.
Application for Membership
Please fill out all information in English.
* Indicates Required Information
Membership Type - Please Select One
Single Membership
Family Membership
Street Address
Postal Code
None Set
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Applicant's Legal Surname
Applicant's Legal First (and Middle) Names
Applicant's Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Birth Date
Applicant's Bar/Bat Mitzvah Date
Father's Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Mother's Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
For synagogue records and to ensure correct spelling of Hebrew names, please contact the office to provide a copy of your Bar/Bat Mitzvah Certificate, Ketuba, or other religious documents to support your completed application.
Marital Status
We were married at (name and city of synagogue)
Date of Marriage
Spouse's Legal Surname
Spouse's Legal First (and Middle) Names
Spouse's Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Spouse's Maiden Surname
Spouse's Email
Spouse's Birth Date
Spouse's Bar/Bat Mitzvah Date
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Spouse's Father Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Spouse's Mother Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
1. Child's Legal Surname
Child's Legal First (and Middle) Name(s)
Child's Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Date of Birth
N/A or Unknown
2. Child's Legal Surname
Child's Legal First (and Middle) Name(s)
Child's Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Date of Birth
N/A or Unknown
3. Child's Legal Surname
Child's Legal First (and Middle) Name(s)
Child's Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Date of Birth
N/A or Unknown
4. Child's Legal Surname
Child's Legal First (and Middle) Name(s)
Child's Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Date of Birth
N/A or Unknown
Yahrzeit Information -
Anniversary of Death of Close Relatives
For date of death in yahrzeit list, please provide the Hebrew month, day, and Hebrew year. If you do not know the year, you may leave this blank. If you only know the English date, the year will be required so our system can calculate the correct Hebrew date.
1. Surname
First (and Middle) Name(s)
Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Date of Death - Hebrew
Date of Death - English
Relation (mother, father, sister, brother, etc...)
Relative of: (self or spouse)
2. Surname
First (and Middle) Name(s)
Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Date of Death - Hebrew
Date of Death - English
Relation (mother, father, sister, brother, etc...)
Relative of: (self or spouse)
3. Surname
First (and Middle) Name(s)
Hebrew Name(s) - English Transliteration
Date of Death - Hebrew
Date of Death - English
Relation (mother, father, sister, brother, etc...)
Relative of: (self or spouse)
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785